03/09/2014 - Maynes deliver the power for another new wind farm
Grand opening of the new Berry Burn wind farm
Maynes Coaches last week undertook the travel requirements for the grand opening of the new Berry Burn wind farm in Moray. We assisted with invited guest visits to the site and entrusted with the transportation requirements of VIP guests. We provided a complete travel solution with airport transfers and shuttle coaches for the event.
Statkraft hosted a Family Fun Day for local residents to celebrate the completion of the Berry Burn Wind Farm. The day featured a range of activities for the whole family to enjoy, including a bouncy castle, face painting, balloon modelling, live Highland dancing, as well as the opportunity to compete in mini Highland games.
There was also an impressive kite display throughout the day, accompanied by kite design workshops and kite flying lessons. Visitors also had the chance to look inside a wind turbine and learn a bit more about how they work.
For more info on the windfarm visit http://berryburnwindfarm.co.uk
Maynes Coaches also assisted before the event by making a site visit and helping with coach parking, visitor pick up points and turning restraint's to ensure all coach movements were undertaken in the safest manner.
If you are planning a large event Maynes are the logical company to trust when choosing your preferred coach hire partner. For more info on our company visit our website at www.maynes.co.uk or follow all our news story's and company information on Facebook and Twitter
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