18/11/2015 - Maynes charity calendar
Supporting CHAS, the charity for the only hospice service in Scotland for children and young people
As a family company were touched by the amount of support showed towards Harry's family after we named our coach. Harry's story touched so many people in such a short time and so many more now know about Harry's fight. Over 70 thousand people saw the post about Harry's "sus" and the directors of Maynes decided to try to do something entirely different to fundraise for the charity that did so much for wee Harry and his family.
With Harry's family's permission, this week we have been putting into action a charity Maynes calendar with selected pictures taken of our coaches as they travel around Europe. We have done many charity events in the past and some might remember our Movember MoBro team that raised a phenomenal amount for that charity. The decision was taken to try to do 4 events during 2016 for the CHAS charity that supported Harry's family at Rachel House, starting with the calendar followed by a charity day tour to Loch Ness in the spring and 2 final charity events before our company's 70th anniversary year in 2017.
CHAS is a charity that provides the only hospice services in Scotland for children and young people who have life-shortening conditions for which there is no known cure. CHAS runs two children's hospices, Rachel House in Kinross and Robin House in Balloch, and a home care service called CHAS at Home. Rachel House Hospice, Scotland's first children's hospice, was opened in 1996. The hospice is a purpose-built ‘home from home' providing accommodation for eight families from across Scotland at any one time. A children's hospice offers a place where families can relax, recharge their batteries and have fun with their children. Expert care is on hand to help them make the most of each day and live life to the full.
We currently have been sent the proof of the limited edition 500 copy calendar that will arrive here at our Buckie depot next week and be available for sale at £5.99 plus the p&p if required. We will be taking orders for the calendar next week with payment made direct via our special Maynes charity PayPal account. You will be able whilst stocks last, pop into our Buckie depot and pick up your own calendar there.
This will be something very unique and unusual for any local persons Christmas gift, and a special gift for any bus or coach enthusiast.
Look out for more info next week when they arrive here "hot off the press"!
Keep an eye on the MAYNES Facebook page for further info