11/03/2013 - Irizar Delivers European First Safety Solution to Stewarts
Stewarts Coaches uses innovative safety technology in new Irizar coaches
Irizar UK are pleased to announce the delivery of a European first safety system designed and installed by Irizar Group subsidiary Datik which sets out to revolutionise passenger safety.
Datik ES was born only a year ago as a new technology company part of the Irizar SP Group. At the heart of this company is a focus on driver management information coupled with an innovative safety first called "Magic Eye".
The principle of Magic Eye is to monitor different road risks that face the driver every minute of the day using cameras. The system can monitor all of the following risks:
- Pedestrians, cyclists and motorbikes.
- Vehicles, both stationary and moving.
- It detects speed limit signs.
- It detects involuntary lane changes.
- It detects driver fatigue and distraction.
Obviously the most important element of this system is driver fatigue. Magic eye monitors the driver's eye movements along with the movements of the vehicle to look for abnormal actions which could lead to dangers. If any danger is monitored then the system has a number of options to avoid any collision. This can be as simple as a warning light on the dashboard to a vibration in the driver's seat all the way through to SMS texting to the operator's offices to warn them of a potential danger.
Speaking at the handover of the first coach for the UK to be fitted with this system, Stewarts of Reading Managing Director Andy Cotton commented "at the centre of Stewarts' core values is safety, we cannot put a price on the safety of our customers and when Irizar told me they were working on this solution I immediately said that we wanted Stewarts to be involved. Coach safety has improved massively over the last ten years in terms of collision strength but nothing has happened in terms of driver monitoring. This system has taken a massive leap forwards in terms of thinking and we cannot wait to put this system on trial and working to further develop this device".