14/02/2022 - Guild of British Coach Operators - Back Together
Following the restrictions of the Covid Pandemic, members of the Guild of British Coach Operators reunited at their February meeting held in Coventry.
Chairman Andy Pulham explained, “during the Pandemic, the benefits of Guild membership was highly valued and we kept in touch with regular online catch ups, enabling our members to network and share best practice through those difficult times. However, there really is no substitute for meeting in person and for the first time in almost two years all our members were able to get together in one place. One of the unique benefits of Guild membership is the ability to freely share information to aid our individual business’s together with mutual aid. The Pandemic has proven those unique benefits are more valued than ever, as our membership not only survive but are thriving ready to take full advantage of the pent-up opportunities ahead”.
The Guild consists of twenty-five of the top coach operators in the UK. Established in 1985, each member must pass an exacting independent audit of their compliance and quality standards every two years and are required to achieve 100%. Members meet in person three times a year and seminars are held for operations, engineering , training and marketing staff annually, with on line meetings and presentations keeping members fully informed.
More information can be found on the Guild website www.coach-tours.co.uk or via the Guild’s Administrator Steve Whiteway, email: admin@coach-tours.co.uk
Our photograph shows Guild members gathered at the Nailcote Hall Hotel, Coventry.