12/10/2018 - Coach firm offers stranded customers a helping hand

Lucketts steps in to help Airlynx Express customers


Community groups, sports clubs and businesses in Hampshire that have been left in limbo following a coach company’s ban are being offered a lifeline.

Airlynx Express will have its operator’s licence revoked next month after a year-long investigation into “serious breaches” which “put people at serious risk from tired drivers” according to the traffic commissioner.

It means groups and organisations that had bookings with the firm could be left stranded when Airlynx is no longer allowed to operate.

Now, nearby coach firm, Lucketts Travel, is pledging to do all it can to help those affected by the situation.

Managing director Tony Lawman said: “The ban will no doubt be a huge shock to customers, with this week’s report shining a light on serious compliance issues. It’s understandably a worrying time for those who have bookings over the next couple of weeks and beyond.

“We are offering to step in and help any groups who may be left stranded as a result of this news. We are already looking at our scheduling and fleet movements to ensure we have enough coaches to bear the extra load.”

He added that the Airlynx case has shone a spotlight on the dangers that people don’t necessarily think about if focused only on the lowest price when booking a coach company. “We understand it’s not always the first thought but consumers should absolutely ask about a company’s compliance and safety credentials when booking a coach. Safety should be a number one priority and it’s certainly ours.”

Lucketts Travel’s levels of safety and compliance are so high that it is a founding member of DVSA’s Earned Recognition new road safety scheme. It was one of the first companies in the UK to be asked to join the pilot and, because it openly shares its impeccable safety data with the authorities, the company is less likely to have its vehicles routinely stopped at the roadside by DVSA.

Tony concluded: “Compliance rules are in place to keep passengers and the public safe and we hope that the public is reassured that the authorities take strong action when they see breaches.”

Anyone affected by the Airlynx case and in need of an alternative transport option should call Lucketts on 01329 823755.