20/02/2014 - A baby “Epsom Coach” is Born

Delivering the Epsom Experience

roject Manager Peter Minnette and Coach Tech Engineer Matt Mutter recently visited our new "baby", one of two new 25 seat coaches shortly to join the Epsom Fleet.  Built by well-known manufacturer Plaxton in Scarborough, North Yorkshire on the proven Mercedes Benz chassis, these new coaches represent everything a full size Epsom Coach provides, but in a smaller package.  

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Built to an exacting specification, the coaches comply with the latest environmental requirements and offer huge legroom amongst a host of other comfort features, including as all Epsom Coaches do, climate control. 


Peter commented, "this might be a smaller coach, but it certainly doesn't compromise on the Epsom experience. We look forward to showing our first customers the new fleet early in March"

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